The art of composing a landscape is a subjective act. This process is an expression of self, and there is no right way or wrong way to do it. However, there are a few things that you may need to take into consideration to maximize your landscape.
The first thing to take into account is the focal point. When completed, a viewer needs to be drawn to a certain area. The remaining portion of the landscape is the support for this focal point. When considering the place of attention, size is an important factor.
If too small, the viewer will get lost in the landscape and will lose interest because they cannot find the subject of the landscape. On the other hand, if the focus is too large, the landscape will come across as overwhelming. The next step in setting up a good landscape is framing. Surrounding the focal point of the landscape will allow the viewer to realize the subject and further their attention in the setting. A third point that will contribute to the effectiveness of the landscape is color. Contrasting colors will help the scenery stand out.
The focus of the landscape should be a dissimilar color than the rest of the piece. This is because the center will stand out in the viewer’s eye, and catch their attention. However, the underlining factor in preparing a successful landscape is the time and preparation that you put into building the landscape. Putting time into designating the size and layout of the landscape will contribute to the success of the landscape. In addition, with the size and layout of the piece designated, you can then attribute costs. A good landscape does not require high costs, but rather effective planning.
If cost is an issue, you have some alternatives. Water fountains are a nice accent to the landscape and do not come at an expensive cost. Another popular alternative in landscaping is the placement of rocks. Again, there is no right or wrong way when landscaping. There are things that you should do to maximize the landscape.
This can be done with or without a strict budget. Giving yourself the time to prepare and layout the piece will allow you to make best use of your property. In addition, taking the points listed above and applying them to you project will not make your landscape good, but it will make it effective.
Redwood garden bridges make a great addition to a landscape. Article written and distributed by Steve Cancel, IT manager of Secure Link - Free Domain Registration.